The maiden celebration of Adekyem Festival has begun on a very inspiring and touching note. The first item on the highlights has been very successful. The programme dubbed “Health Walk and Breast Cancer Awareness Celebration” with the theme “Join the Fight, Get involved” had Mrs. Beatrice Wiafe of Breast Care International and Peace and Love Hospitals (Accra and Kumasi) gracing the occasion with their presence and Breast Cancer Screening Exercise.
 Nananom of Bechem Traditional Area and the Tano South District Assembly are collaborating to make this festival a successful and memorable one.
The programme had in attendance people from the Bechem Traditional Area as well as friends of the area participating in it fully. Students from St. Joseph’s College of Education, Bechem Presec, Bebusco, Vocational Training Institute, School for the Deaf and Basic Schools were all in their good numbers. Not forgetting Hairdressers, Dressmakers, Various Departments in the district and many others were there to make the programme a success.

The programme started with a walk amidst brass band through the principal streets of Bechem, followed with a gathering at the Community Centre for some introductory talks and Breast Cancer Screening.

Nana Adwoapo Dwamena Serwaa II, the Queenmother  of Bechem chaired the function. Nana Fosu Gyeabour Akoto II (Bechemhene), Hon. Bukari Zakari Anaba (DCE- Tano South) as well as the Hon DCE for Tano North came to witness the ceremony.

The Planning Committee is urging everyone to make the next programmes on the highlights very encouraging and fruitful.